Qi Gong for Creatives

The ancient practices of Qi Gong and Tai Chi can be incredibly beneficial for artists and creatives, both for their physical and menta/creative well-being. These mind-body disciplines incorporate slow, deliberate movements, focused breathing, and moving meditation.

Regular practice of Qi Gong and tai chi can enhance an artist's flexibility and range of motion. This is especially helpful for artists who spend a lot of time sitting or using repetitive motions, which can lead to tightness and pain. The improved flexibility can also contribute to better posture and alignment, reducing the risk of injuries.

Beyond the physical benefits, Qi Gong and tai chi can also cultivate a sense of inner peace and focus. The meditative aspects of these practices can help artists quiet their minds, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve their overall sense of well-being. This can lead to increased creativity, inspiration, and a deeper connection to their art form.

I’ll be running a Qi Gong for Creatives virtual workshop on Thursday May 23rd if you’d like to join. Details are here: Qi Gong for Creatives.

The Art of Play

Explore elements of human movement as tools for creative expression & performance. Improv & creative problem solving will be explored deeply.

We use physical practices that are simple, enjoyable and repeatable. We design play-based activities that encourage physical freedom, creativity and vitality. And because we are artist, creative movers, we are not bound by any one discipline or way. 

We use, we steal and repurpose ideas, tools and resources from the old ways. We cultivate a way that is adaptive and alive to create a beautifully moving, adaptable and creative human being.

And if you’re a coach, trainer or teacher I got you covered.

Our Art of Play Workshops are directed towards fitness & performance professionals that want to learn how to incorporate Physical Creativity, Play and Exploration into their very own teaching, training or coaching practice. This includes personal trainers, group fitness instructors, physical education teachers, coaches, yoga instructors, MMA trainers, and even physical therapists.

Please join me at Nourishing Storm Studios on February 25th from 1-3 to discover The Art of Play.

You can register here: The Art of Play

Dance Qigong?

This is one question I receive all the time…”Is Qigong a form or style of Dance?”

It can be…Qigong can be many different things. I personally use a very broad and open description of what Qigong is to me.

Qigong is the Art & Practice of Crafting and Shaping Life Energy with Patience, Steadiness & Skill.
— Jason C. Brown

Qigong dates back to before the Qin and Han dynastic periods, ( 255 BCE - 220 CE.) Then you can see that the origin of many Qigong practices actually originate in Dance.

Through dancing, the physical body was exercised , and the physical health of the body was maintained or improved.

Also, through dancing, the matching of movements with music, breath and mind were regulated into one harmonious state. From this harmonious state, the spirit was raised to a higher energetic level or calmed down into a more peaceful presence.

Play Qigong?

Can you play Qigong?

The short answer is yes.

And honestly this is why I choose to favor Qigong over other internal martial/movement arts like Tai Chi Chuan or Bagua.

My professional and personal life revolve around helping people play again…play with their grandchildren, play Pickle Ball or play with their art or craft. So it’s natural for me to gravitate towards a more open and less strict system or Art.

Play is the original practice and the best educator across all disciplines.

Qigong can be very precise or very loose. It can be reverent and sacred or playful and creative. It is a way, an art of being in your body that encompasses walking down the street, hiking in the mountains, dancing, gardening or doing martial arts.

Qigong permeates your daily life. Much in the same way that I wish for play to permeate your life. You can’t go wrong if you combine both spirits. I’m here to help guide you.

The Art & Practice Qigong.

Qigong is the art & practice of crafting and shaping Life Energy with Patience, Steadiness & Skill.

This ancient practice and art harmonizes your body’s energy centers, promoting balance, vitality, and a deep sense of well-being.

Through movement you can nourish and strengthen your body. Imagine moving with your own life force, finding harmony in every movement. It’s not just exercise - it’s a journey inward, a celebration of your body’s intelligence.

Every week I get to spend 3-5 hours working with some very special students on The Art and Practice of Qigong. I’ll be offering some online classes soon.

If you’d like to join in please send me a message and I’ll keep you posted:

Message Me.

Thank You Qigong

One of my new Qigong students reported that after a few sessions she felt her body say to her "Thank you. You are back where you should be".

What did this mean?

Basically, that she was taking the time to listen, to ease the body's tissues into a state of rejuvenation and re-creation and through gentle & rhythmic flowing movement, to shift her nervous system into the parasympathetic state of 'rest and digest', to come back into a state of embodiment rather than being somewhat disconnected, and to really establish a dialogue with her body, mind and spirit about what her needs are.

Qigong can do all of this and more.

Creative Movement Workshop Pittsburgh October 14th

Creative Movement is a general term used in a broad field of physical disciplines connected to the relationship between body, mind, and the creative spirit. I borrow heavily from martial arts and their particular approach to creative movement and problem solving, as well as physical and artistic expression.

Creative Movement is a poetic, playful discipline
which aims to revitalize and rejuvenate an individual's ability to deeply perceive and listen to the body and develop expressive and creative potential.

The physical body, is the source and medium of our artistic life and is considered an essential element in the creative process, despite the artistic language in which it may be realized.

I hope to see you in Pittsburgh on October 14th, you can register here: Creative Movement

The Art of Strength

When Chip Conrad and I sit down together to discuss human movement our discussion usually turns towards strength, art and utility. Here’s a quick little video of a recent sit down in my very own Strength Garden.

We’ll be moving, playing and lifting at our upcoming Art of Strength workshop but I have a feeling there will be a fair share of physical culture philosophy and nostalgia.