Power and Accuracy Day in The Strength Garden

In this video I share one of my favorite workouts from my humble Strength Garden. To be completely honest, most of my physical practice is spent playing and moving in other ways like hiking and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu but I always enjoy a quick and focused training session.

This particular session consist of an explosive extension exercise (kettlebell or CMB Snatch) super-setted with an explosive flexion exercise, a single-arm slam using a dead-ball that I borrowed from the Baseball world.

I usually match the repetitions per move…5 slams for 5 snatches. And I usually perform 5 sets. I do not work for time and rest as needed since my focus is speed and power.

I add the accuracy by slamming onto stone pavers. It seems a little silly and the dead-balls do not bounce well, but if I’m not on point and accurate with my slam they will bounce off in chaotic directions. Which can be fun as well.