Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

An Idea for Jiu-Jitsu Teachers

“As I contemplated my art practice this morning —where each individual portrait is a physical/visual record of my investment of practice, I was gifted an idea I would have certainly tried / executed if I were still teaching young people the martial arts:

I would order some attractive pea gravel or decorative (small) stones —and at the end of every practice I would have the kids stand in a line to say goodbye —and I’d place one of these little stones in their hands.

I’d encourage them to place them in a big jar, so that they (and others) might better understand how each of those practice sessions accumulate. Each is light and small individually, but over time the cumulative practice becomes…something all together different.”

This is a reprint from my mentor Tom Callos. He’s an Artist that’s also a Martial Artist.

It was just a simple IG post but I thought it deserved a blog post someplace so it wouldn’t get totally washed away in the stream.

How to Develop your Jiu-Jitsu...the Soft Skill of Breaking Bones

Jiu-Jitsu is a soft skill, a soft art.

The Japanese term Jiu-Jitsu can actually be translated as soft-skill, although we often translate it as Gentle Art or Soft Art.

In human movement studies and motor development, skills are broken down in many ways. Two big broad categories or classifications are soft skills and hard skills. These are also known as open vs closed skills. It all depends on where you went to school or the textbook you used.

A closed (hard) skill is a skill where repeatable precision is needed. Hard skills are usually free from outside distractions as well.

A classic hard-skill in the sporting world would be a foul shot in basketball. There are no other players reaching for the ball, no dodging or cutting involved. Just one target and one player. All other shots on the court would be soft skills or open skills because they are completely dependent of reading, reacting and recognizing the complete situation on the court as well as the other players from both teams.

Soft skills are flexible, soft skills are all about sensitivity, feeling and physical improv.

So they question arises?

How do we develop soft skills? The answer is play. Play more Jiu-Jitsu. Play with more players. Play with players of all different shapes, sizes and skill sets. Play with variations and positions. Explore and experiment with different paths , approaches and combinations.

When working on the soft-skill of Jiu-Jitsu focus on creating a high number of varied repetitions. Don’t worry so much about making mistakes, the most important thing is to keep it playful and explore. Jiu-Jitsu is fun to practice because it is a soft-skill. But…because it is so fun to practice, it’s important for you to self-coach and observe yourself. After each practice simply ask yourself what worked? What didn’t ? What got you smashed? And why?

A Jiu-Jitsu Poem... Or any other art really.

Jiu-Jitsu is an art, a physical art form, much like Yoga or Dance. These art forms all have something in common beyond their physical similarities. There’s an emotional level, a deep level of appreciation and frustration, of like and dislike. Even disdain. I have felt that on many drives home from the dojo.

This poem by Victoria Erickson is really about her relationship with Yoga. But we can steal it and make modifications for our own moving and martial arts like Jiu-Jitsu.

Sometimes I think about playing around with the words and coming up with something original and all my own, but this is too perfect.

You can check out her book here: Edge of Wonder.

A Jiu-Jitsu Poem.png

A few years ago I wrote an article about the process of training to get the trash out. You can check that out here:

Jiu-Jitsu and the Art of Churning.

Play Your Way to Better Movement

Play is vital for functional and effective living.

In our Physical Creative Workshops , we place a strong emphasis on physical creativity. The lead coach may be an expert with a great knowledge base and experience, but all participants are equal in their ability to innovate new games and physical expressions.

In our practice, every group seems to create their very own expressions and interpretations. In fact, many of the new games come directly from mistakes, accidents and what-ifs.

This is the true beauty of human movement.

Please take ideas from my work if you need a new idea, but please expose yourself to spontaneity; force yourself to improv and you may create something brilliant.

If you’d like to be notified when I start running Physical Creative | Play Craft workshops in person again please join my newsletter below.

How to Plan Your Training Week

Planning your training week does not need to be complicated. There are a lot of variables to consider for sure, but it’s best to keep it simple.

Simplicity is a skill and can be refined and perfected through practice, just like any other skill.

That’s why I’d like to share a system with you that I learned from my business coach several years ago.

The details will be different for everyone, but the framework remains the same.

Here’s the general design.

Divide your training week into three distinct days. Those days are:

  • Free Day

  • Focus Day

  • Buffer Day.

Free Focus.png

A Free Day is where you do not train at all. This is your rejuvenation time. Use your Free Days to totally unplug from training and stress and just chill.

This does’t mean you’re not active or enjoying yourself physically. You’re just not tracking or moving with a performance goal in mind. Hiking, swimming, playing with the kids or pups are all wonderful options. Just be in the moment and enjoy, don’t worry about pushing your pace at all.

Focus Days are used to “focus” on your chosen or focus activity. Use these days for your priorities. For me, this is BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.)Yours could be kettlebell sport or improving your deadlift personal record. This is where you do your best, most dedicated work and actively train to improve your performance goal.

Buffer Days are used to maximize the potential of your Free and Focus Days.

Use Buffer Days to provide some tender-loving care and smooth out the rough areas that may have developed during your Focus Days. For me, this is more mobility work and some gentle stretching. After a Focus Day of grappling other humans for 3 hours, I need a buffer day to help me workout the kinks. Placing another Focus Day immediately after a BJJ Focus Day would quickly lead to overtraining, for me at least.

Buffer Days can and should be placed before and after most Focus Days, but can be used very well before Free Days also to help prepare you for a day or two of leisure.

The only issue you may have is if you actually have more than one focus. For example, trying to up your deadlift PR and and win the BJJ world championship in the same month. But it can be done. It takes another level of care and attention. But that’s exactly what you use those buffer days for. Planning and physical prep.

If you need some guidance on putting it all together I do offer online coaching for other professionals and practitioners. I know it can be confusing at times and I’m here to help.

3 Things You Need to Get Better at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

How do you get better at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

You practice of course.

But practice is a very deep and rich conversation. Things can complicated quite quickly.

And although I love the science of motor learning, I like to keep things super simple in concept and design. 

This is why I fell in love with this simple concept I read about from MMA fight Frank Shamrock. 

Embracing the Seasons of Jiu-Jitsu

If you want to grow your mind, your body, your movement practice or your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills you have to plant seeds.

The seeds of tomorrow's brilliance, your shiny new skills, your beautiful new body and Jiu-Jitsu are planted in the soil of today's activities.

That begins right now.

It begins with what you're putting in your mind and your body. How you're cultivating the soil and how you're tending the seedlings. 

So many of us live in a perpetual harvest mode.

We just want to reap a harvest all the time. But we're not willing to plant the seeds, to tend the seeds and to take care of it.

There is a natural progression to everything in life: you plant, then cultivate and then finally you harvest.

When we were farmers everyone knew this intuitively. And the results were self-evident: it's just the way things are. 

Plant. Cultivate. Harvest.

But that's all changed today.

In today's culture everyone wants to go from plant to harvest.

We get frustrated when we join a BJJ school and aren't brown belts in 6 months. We get upset when we start a diet and don't lose 10 pounds in 2 days.

Cultivation. This is the step we've lost touch with. But it's exactly where the power lies.

And it's this step that you have the most control over.

And it takes place totally with your movement and Jiu-Jitsu practice. 

In fact, I would go as far as stating that Cultivate & Practice (as a verb) are quite synonymous. 

So don't worry about your training year or your 8-week cycle. Master your day. Cultivate daily rituals that will lead to the beautiful type of fruit your looking to enjoy. 

Master your day and all else will follow. 

Two Recent Interviews...

I must apologize. I've been MIA for the past few months. I've been traveling a lot with speaking gigs and kettlebell workshops at various locations, which is always fun because I get to meet so many cool people but tough because other things get put on hold.

Like creating some awesome content for you.

But I'm back now, so let's get caught up.

I recently had the awesome pleasure of being on 2 wonderful podcasts where we talk about the Gentle Art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu,  and Physical Preparation for BJJ and life.

You can check them out here:

Show the Art Podcast 

Fight Camp Conditioning Podcast.

The Body is a Musical Instrument

As part of my daily ritual, I read at least 10 pages, often much more if I can get some alone time. Sometimes it's a book that I'm revisiting for the 100th time, as in this case, and sometimes it's a new book I recently picked up. As I read, I'd like to share with you the parts that really jump out at me. 

The following few paragraphs were written by my mentor Frank Forencich, creator of Exuberant Animal

It's taken from an essay called "Learning from the Inside Out." It's part of a collection of essays from his book called "Change Your Body Change the World."

I think you'll like it. I added some notes within the text also. I think you'll clearly see how this all relates to learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu very easily. Enjoy.

 "Musicians everywhere are united on this score. Theoretical abstractions don't carry much weight in music education; it's time-on-task that makes the difference.

Learn to play by playing.

Learn to move by moving.

Keep at it.Immerse yourself in the process and participate fully.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

Abstract knowledge is nice if you can get it, but it's action that makes the musician.

In this sense, music and physical education are simply different expressions of the same physical education process. Africans have known this for a long time, ( *I would also argue Brazilians and indigenous cultures.) but in the West we have yet to realize the common ground between music and movement. We segregate  athletics and music into different departments, often located at opposite ends of the campus. We use different curriculums and require that athletic and music teachers undertake entirely different courses of study and earn separate credentials.

But this isolation and segregation reveals a deep misunderstanding of physical learning.In fact, the musician and the athlete are engaged in a learning process that is far more similar than different. Ultimately, the biggest difference between the musician and the athlete is that the athlete works with big muscles of the butt, thighs and core, while the musician works with smaller muscles of the fingers, arms or mouth. But both artists are ultimately after the same objective: quality movement that's smooth, powerful and lively. Both are working the nervous system, sensation and motor feedback loops to produce highly coordinated, orchestrated movement.

In fact, as a thought experiment, let's try putting music teachers in charge of physical education and physical educators in charge of music. Yes, there would be a transition period with plenty of noise and wasted effort in the process, but ultimately everything would work out very nicely indeed. Musicians and coaches are both physical performance teachers after all.

So let's get back to the fundamentals.

Leave the abstractions for a another day. Get some movement going, then refine it as you go. 

Play the music, play the body, play the drum. Play Jiu-Jitsu!

It's all the same thing."




The 3 Levels of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

There are 3 levels of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu...and I'd imagine any form of martial art and combat sport to be honest.

These 3 levels are:

  • Reflexive/Reactive

  • Responsible (Or Response-Able.)

  • Creative

The Reflexive/Reactive Level is marked by our instinctual movements....movements that are hardwired into our system to protect us from danger. Think about going into the fetal position when we hear a loud sound or something startles us. These can be good reactions in most situations but in a grappling context they can be quite dangerous.

Some common sights you'll see in the Reflexive Level is giving up the back or pushing with the arms when you get mounted which quickly gets you choked or arm-locked. 

Another example of the Reflexive Level is using up all your energy while trying to escape and panicking under the pressure, exhausting yourself to the point that you can no longer defend yourself and surrender position.

Picture the new white belt student in your head for a moment. They have the best intentions, but are usually quite spastic and reactive simply because they haven't learned how to respond well to the techniques that are being applied to them.

The Responsible Level is the next level in BJJ. I want you to think about that word for a second and break it down...Responsible...Response-Able. It's literally your ability to respond.

On this level, you're able to think clearly and respond to your partner's attack with clarity and focus.

You know what to do.

You can step between stimulus and response and choose the most appropriate counter.

Please try to pay attention the next time you feel yourself being triggered and see if you can sneak back into that lovely place between stimulus and response and actually stop the reflexive...knee-jerk reaction and choose your next move.

In many situations you know well ahead of time what your training partner is planning so your response is proactive and not re-active. In can start to develop your game entirely around well-timed responses that put you into better position and also use your responses as attacks. For example, I have very few guard passes, but one of my favorites is the old-school stack pass. Often times I will simply wait and bait my partner to go for an armlock or triangle and use this opportunity to secure his collar and go for the stack pass. Do I get caught sometimes? Of course. But it does work very well for me. Being well-developed within the Responsible Level can blend into the next and 3rd level of BJJ, the Creative Level. 

On the Creative Level, you are the attacker, you are the person that decides where the game will be played and just how quick the pace and flow will be. You know that term Martial Artist? I believe that's where the "Artist" comes from, the Creative Level. 

Cauliphlower BJJ Creative


But the strange thing is though...artist don't sit around talk about art. They talk about of art. It's a creative process. One that requires great effort and patience. One that requires us to chisel away at the non-essentials on a daily basis so we can bring out the beauty that's not hindered and dampened by excessive effort and tension. 

Jiu-Jitsu is not something you take...Jiu-Jitsu is something you make!

So get to work Jiu-Jiteiro! Start creating!

When you get a second please check out these awesomely creative Jiu-jiteiros:


Show the Art.